Photography & Filming Best Practice Guidance
No photography or filming of any children/families at Ten Project will take place unless in accordance with the LTA’s (governing body for tennis) guidance set out below:
Sharing photographs and images of children on social media or other online platforms
carries potential risks. For example:
• children may become vulnerable to grooming if a photograph is shared alongside
information that makes them identifiable. This includes: personal details; a tag with
location information; visual details such as a school/club uniform
• inappropriate images of children may be shared online
• images may be copied, downloaded, screenshotted or shared by anyone
• images of children may be adapted and used inappropriately
• photos or videos may appear in internet search results
• depending on the terms and conditions of using an online platform, the image may
be owned by the platform once it’s been posted. Platforms may then license images
for use by third parties – such as for commercial purposes
• each photo or video, and any comments on them, become a part of a child’s public
• always asking for written consent from a child and their parents or carers before
taking and using a child’s image
• if consent is withdrawn, taking reasonable steps to remove the photos of the child
from public view. It may not be possible to delete or destroy all images that have
been disseminated online (such as via social media) or in hard copy.
• only using first names of children, unless:
o it’s considered necessary – such as for elite /high profile child players
o it’s in the child’s best interests
o the child and parent have consented (and been informed how, where, in what
context an image might be used, e.g. public website, or through social
media, and are aware of potential risks)
• never publishing personal information about children
• making sure children, their parents and carers understand how images will be
securely stored and for how long (including how we will control access to the
images and their associated information)
• reducing the risk of images being copied and used inappropriately by:
o only using images of children in appropriate clothing
o avoid images and camera angles that may be more prone to
misinterpretation or misuse than others
o avoiding full face and body shots of children taking part in activities such as
swimming where there may be a heightened risk of images being misused
• using images that positively reflect children’s involvement in the activity
When children, parents/carers or spectators are taking photographs or filming at Ten Project events and the images are for personal use, it is advisable to publish guidance on what will be allowed in the event programmes and/or announce details before the start of the event.
In the event that a player wishes to enter into a private arrangement with a commercial
photographer or videographer, the photographer or videographer must have the express
consent of that player (or their parent or legal guardian where the player is under 18 years
old) and the LTA recommends that clubs and counties make any such
photographer/videographer aware that they should be notifying the Competition Director of
their attendance at the competition.
If Ten Project engages a photographer for an event, it is advised that they:
• follow a safe recruitment process/policy
• provide the photographer with a clear brief about appropriate content and behaviour
• ensure the photographer wears identification at all times
• inform children and parents/carers that a photographer will be at the event and
ensure they give written consent to images which feature close up images of their
child being taken and shared*
• inform the photographer about how to identify – and avoid taking images of
children without the required parental consent
• clarify areas where all photography is prohibited (i.e. toilets, changing areas, first
aid areas)
• not allow the photographer to have unsupervised access to children
• not allow the photographer to carry out sessions outside the event or at a child’s
• report any concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography.
*At some events, wide-angle and general images of the event, the site, award ceremonies, and similar may be taken. It may not be reasonable, practical or proportionate to secure
consent for every participating child in order to take such images. In these circumstances,
clubs and counties should make clear to all participants and parents that these kinds of
images will be taken, and for what purposes.
If people such as local journalists or professional photographers (not hired by Ten Project) wish to operate an event and share the images professionally or in the wider
world, Ten Project will ensure they have given proper permission for this in
Clubs and counties should ensure the following information is provided to them:
• the name and address of the person using the camera
• the names of children they wish to take images of (if possible)
• the reason for taking the images and/or what the images will be used for
• a signed declaration that the information provided is valid and that the images will
only be used for the reasons given.
Ten Project will verify these details and decide whether to grant permission for
the photographs/films to be taken. They should also seek consent from the children who
are the intended subjects of the images and their parents and inform the photographer of
anyone who does not give consent.
Ten Project will inform children, parents/carers that an external photographer is
present and ensure they are easily identifiable.
If Ten Project becomes concerned that someone unknown to them is taking
photography or filming without permission, they should ask them to leave and (depending
on the nature of the concerns) follow our safeguarding procedures.
Where inappropriate images/films are being taken that raise a safeguarding concern, this
should be reported to the club Welfare Officer, County Safeguarding Officer and LTA
Safeguarding Team. It may also be necessary to report this to the police.
Ten Project must store photographs and videos of children securely and in
accordance with data protection law.
Hard copies of images should be kept in a locked drawer and electronic images in a
protected folder with restricted access.
Images of children should never be stored on unencrypted portable equipment such as
laptops, memory sticks and mobile phones.